RE: ZVG special pricing

From: Stempak Arcadius-ASTEMPA1 <>
Date: Tue Sep 10 2002 - 17:19:31 EDT

 While on the topic of the ZVG I
have to ask, one last Question.

 The Item itself, looks and appears to be
Very Impressive, for all intents and purposes,
so Kudos to the Designer / Engineer(s)
responsible, for this little wonder.

 Question is what Type of Retrocade Software
is actually included with this item at this time ???

 Arcadius........ :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Bradley []
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: ZVG special pricing

> The pictures we have seen are from a g05. Does this card work with
> color monitors?

Yes, as pulled from the main web site:

 Drives Wells Gardner, Amplifone, Electrohome and Sega X/Y monitors (One
cable adapter included).
 Maximum 1200 x 900 viewable resolution.
 64K color depth.

> Any chance we can see some screen shots?

That will have to be up to Zonn and company - I only have a G05. ;-(

> Also, how
> does the star wars explosion scene look? Just curious..

Surprisingly sharp and well preserved. The ZVG does not overdrive the
monitor as does the Star Wars hardware, so the blooming effect and the
flickering of the entire monitor isn't there, but the essence of the
explosion is still there!



Neil Bradley            What are burger lovers saying
Synthcom Systems, Inc.  about the new BK Back Porch Griller?
ICQ #29402898	        "It tastes like it came off the back porch." - Me
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