Re: ZVG: new game possibilities

From: Anthony Ramos <>
Date: Thu Sep 12 2002 - 15:24:09 EDT

On Thursday, September 12, 2002, at 08:06 AM, Tim Tewalt wrote:

>> Back when the movie Tron was only two years old, and Atari Star
>> Wars ruled the arcades, I daydreamed of a vector arcade game
>> that put you into the world of Tron <snip>
>> It might just be time to dust that design off and start building it.
> Awesome idea! I'd buy the hardware to play a TRON "map" alone!

The game could include real dialogue, music and sound effects
from the movie, too, thanks to modern sound hardware. :-D

I wrote some basic 3-D renderers for assignments on a
graduate-level computer graphics track for a while. Features
included backface culling and lightsource-based shading. They
were all raster-based, of course, but the points-and-lines
representation of 3-D objects used internally is well-suited to
vector rendering. Some line intersection clipping and polygon
joining routines are definitely in order, though.

As for abandoning vector for more "advanced" display platforms,
I have a different set of priorities. The computer and game
industries have always been hell-bent on being more more MORE
realistic, but, for me, early graphics systems' abstract
renderings are much more evocative. I assume my fellow
Battlezone fans on this list can relate.

The movie TRON's visuals have held up very well on the "cool"
scale. I believe that's because they create their own reality
instead of trying to reproduce our own. It's like when painters
in the 1800s tired of being human cameras and began painting
their "impression" of scenes.

Anthony Ramos -- /
phone: 503.236.6303 / mobile: 503.267.3519
600 Southeast 39th Avenue #3, Portland, Oregon 97214 USA
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Received on Thu Sep 12 12:46:16 2002

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