RE: Asteroids Deluxe rev 2 questions

From: Andrew Wilson <>
Date: Mon Sep 16 2002 - 12:05:14 EDT

I'm not sure which ROM revision I'm running - but I do know that I can soak
up more than 3 saucer shots with my shield. With my game set to the default
(default difficulty, 3 ships, new ship every 10K) I racked up a score in the
low 90s once.

However, recently I was working on my machine and had it in test mode, when
my daughter came up and started pressing the buttons - you guessed it, she
hit the combination required to reset the high scores (as I recall, it's not
hard to do). I haven't scored that high since :(

There's probably a moral in there somewhere...

  -----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
  Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2002 9:49 PM
  Subject: VECTOR: Asteroids Deluxe rev 2 questions


       According to an old Dave Shepperd article that I ran accross, The
Deluxe rom revision 1 gives 18 seconds of shield time. An asteroid collision
OR a saucer shot costs 6 seconds of shield. A saucer collision costs
approximatley 9 seconds and kills the saucer.
       Revision 2 works the same on shield time, except a saucer shot costs
3 seconds of shield time.
       Has anyone played revision 1 enough to see if you are losing 6
seconds of shield per saucer shot taken? It seems to me that it was only
using 3 seconds of shield per shot taken....
       Also, if you set dip #6 @ R5 to off (harder game play) is this the
same as rom revison 1?
        Needless to say, I've been playing ALOT of Deluxe lately. Anybody
want to tell of their revision 2 high scores? I just got a 88,750, and was
all proud of myself until my friend Billy played 3 games and got 54k, then
76k, then 96,500....
       I've got rocks in my head....


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