Re: Scope Settings for Sega Sound Problem

From: Tim Tewalt <>
Date: Tue Sep 17 2002 - 15:27:41 EDT

I finished debugging the sound problem on a Star Trek cockpit.
Turns out some connectors were tucked away inside each of the
halves resulting in some two-pinners being misconnected. DOH!

Still trying to find the mate for two-pin connector P43(?) on
the left side (spinner) chair half. Won't be easy. :p

It's pretty close now though... only thing left is no response
to the warp button and shaky spinner control.

Anyway, for the archives... measurements were taken while the
self-test sequenced through the sound and speech test. Look
for AC waveforms measuring anywhere anywhere between 1VPP and
8VPP, depending on pin and/or volume control pot.

 Speech Board
   Pin 1 - Sound Only - 1V and 1ms per div
   Pin 2 - GND
   Pin 3 - Sound & Speech - 1V and 1ms per div
   Pin 4 - NC
   Pin 5 - NC
   Pin 6 - KEY
 Sound Board
   Pin 1 - GND
   Pin 2 - NC
   Pin 3 - NC
   Pin 4 - Sound Only - 1V and 1ms per div

 Volume Control Pot
   Pin 1 - See pin 1 of Speech Board
   Pin 2 - Sound & Speech - 0.5V and 1ms per div (variable)
   Pin 3 - GND (note resistor)
 PS Audio In (from volume ctrl)
   Pin 1 - NC
   Pin 2 - GND
   Pin 3 - NC
   Pin 4 - See pin 2 of Volume Control Pot
 PS Audio Out
   Pin 1 - NC
   Pin 2 - GND
   Pin 3 - NC
   Pin 4 - Sound & Speech - 1V and 1ms per div (variable)

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