Hello Tim,
The two deflection connectors are identical. I think there are some minor
differences in the X and Y amps for the different yoke windings.
You can swap the connectors to substitute either pair of the transistors for
the other.
I don't think swapping the yoke windings would be good. As somebody else
mentioned, a scope would be perfect here. You can safely run the monitor with
both the yoke and the deflection transistors unplugged. You will lose your
high voltage when you disconnect your yoke, but all voltages needed for
deflection will still be there.
You probably don't want the HV up in those close quarters anyway! Be careful
not to let those heat sinks on the smaller transistors touch each other while
you're monkeying around.
Good luck,
Tim Tewalt wrote:
> To isolate this problem, can I safely swap the deflection
> transistor connectors? How about the little vertically
> mounted deflection I/O protection boards?
> Thanks,
> Tim
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