Thank you for the input I appreciate it,
also have attempted to check back through the
RESET CKT and replaced some parts, with not too
much luck or change to the problem, at this time,
however will keep digging.
Arcadius............. :-)
-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Ramos []
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 10:22 PM
I had a Battlezone that wouldn't run, and discovered that its
RESET line was stuck low.
Traced back to an OR (NOR? I forget which) chip which was part
of the watchdog circuit. Its inputs were correct, output was
stuck low. Replaced, and Battlezone fired right up. The vector
outputs were screwy, but that's another matter ;-)
I was going to suggest you look at the RESET circuit, but then
thought: "Nah, too easy!"
-Anthony R.
On Monday, September 23, 2002, at 04:08 PM, Stempak
Arcadius-ASTEMPA1 wrote:
> Hi,
> ****
> How are you all on this Monday ???
> O.K. let me get to the Nitty Gritty, in fact
> let me just go over where I stand with this still
> very much DOA Boardset, or should I say the MAIN BOARD
> from this 3 Board Boardset. Where in fact at this time
> and since Obtaining the STAR WARS Troubleshooting Manual,
> I have been able to Verify / Discover the following Information.
> 1.) Verified All CLOCKS, and All appear to be within Range,
> I.E. 3 MHZ., 6 MHZ, 12 MHZ, as well as E and Q, etc...
> 2.) Verified and even Swapped the CPU, also checked the IRQ,
> NMI, Lines,
> etc,,,
> which are all HIGH all the time.
> 3.) Verified the Pin# 37 on the CPU and noted that instead of
> being HIGH,
> it is STUCK LOW, all the time, in fact. So I traced this
> PIN# 37 (RST
> Line) out to
> several parts which I havealready replaced, but now
> understand why the
> Board will not even Allow a RESET to Occur, or for that
> matter the
> Watchdog,
> to be Disabled via Grounding the WDDIS PIN.
> So question is, since the RST on the CPU on this STAR WARS
> MAIN is Always
> Stuck LOW, and from what I read should Only go LOW when the Board is
> actually RESET,
> has anyone else run into this type of problem and if so, what
> have you all
> Done ???
> Appreciate any and all information you all can provide.......
> Arcadius............... :-)
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