I'd suggest connecting the boards to a scope instead. (XYZ)
Bret Pehrson wrote:
> Is it safe to run the Amplifone deflection board but w/ the HV board
> disconnected?
> I've got a stack of boards that I've amassed over the years that I need
> to start working through, and I'd rather just connect up the deflection
> first to do rudimentary checking first (such as voltages, inputs,
> outputs, etc.) before introducing the HV board into the mix.
> Thanks
> ---
> Bret Pehrson
> Classicade
> http://www.classicade.com
> http://www.vaps.org/members/nv/bret@classicade.com.html
> mailto:bret@classicade.com
> Check out C-POP -- the ultimate overlay protectant and conditioner!
> http://www.classicade.com/cpop.htm
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