After 9 years of loyal service I've lost my HV board :( The person playing
the game said the image lost focus then the screen went blank- the infamous
'red is dead' problem?
I don't have an HV ringer and don't know anyone in the UK that has so before
I send $200 to WinTron I'm having a quick look at the circuit and would
appreciate any help, this is what I've already tested:
The BU406D runs hot after being powered up for a few seconds but tests ok
using the method in the Amplifone FAQ- it shouldn't run that hot that
quickly should it?....but I thought it would almost certainly be toast if
the HVT went.
I'm reading a junction drop of 1.64v on the 1500v rectifier CR3 (is this
The zero ohm jumpers (on both PCBs) and R12 are ok
The over voltage trip LED is NOT lit.
Thanks in advance
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Received on Tue Nov 12 06:25:38 2002
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