Tom McClintock wrote:
>Got an Armor Attack here that doesn't want to come on
>when I plug it in. Now, the game works just fine, but
>when I initially plug it in, it does nothing. Dead.
>Unplug, replug, the marquee may come on, but no game
>board. Plug it in for the third time and everything
>comes on.
>I'm presuming it is a power supply problem, but what?
>It has a Computer Data supply and I've just replaced
>the 2N6577 power transistor and the electrolytic caps
>in the +5V section.
Have you measured the 5 volts when it doesn't work? The power supply
might be in current "bend back" and only a low voltage coming out.
The other possibility is the +5 is set too high and the supply is
crowbarring. If crowbarred the output will be under 2 volts.
Make sure the screws on the output terminal strip (if it has screws) are
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