ZVG Manual Available

From: Zonn <zonn_at_zonn.com>
Date: Sat Nov 16 2002 - 04:18:54 EST

To anyone who might be interested, there is now a ZVG User Manual available for
downloading at: http://www.zektor.com/zvg/support.htm.

It's not finished, but it does a decent job of explaining just what the ZVG is,
and how it works.

Also on that page is a link to ZVGTWEAK.ZIP, this contains full source code
needed to talk with a ZVG, and a simple description of the command set

Yet to come is a theory of operation and full schematic.

(When I'm not too busy adding ZVG support to MAME...)


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Received on Sat Nov 16 01:28:42 2002

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