> Have you checked out some of the Pinball restoration sites for tips?
> backglass damage an repair is an all too common part of pinball restoration.
> There is a bunch of good tips here: http://www.marvin3m.com/fix.htm
> One of the tapes that they sell has a good explanation of a couple of
> methods.
http://www.marvin3m.com/restore/index.htm - check out the sections on saving and
touching up the backglass.
TOP #1 "EM Pinball Repair & Restoration" and
TOP #2 "Hardball in Detroit"
both show backglass restoration. Those same techniques apply to restoring glass
bezels and glass marquees for vector games. The tapes are a super deal at $6
per tape including shipping.
Also one of the TOP #5 tapes covers MPU repair. Great stuff which also applies
directly to vector games.
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