Repair Log: Wells-Gardner 15V2000 B&W Vector Monitor

From: Commander Dave <>
Date: Sat Dec 14 2002 - 13:05:42 EST

Model: Wells-Gardner 15V2000 B&W Vector Monitor
Game: Atari Battlezone Cabaret

Symptoms: Monitor blooming after warmup and all voltages derived from the
flyback dropping also.

Fix: The High Voltage diode was bad. It *had* to be replaced with a Varo
H1809. A Varo H1812 will not work in this unit.

Addendum: I fought long and hard on this one that was really an easy fix
due to just really lame mistakes on my part. I fixed many boards and other
units, but never made as many mistakes as I did on this one. I even got the
model of the monitor wrong in the beginning! Another big mistake was
assuming that an H1812 would work in place of an H1809. It didn't on this
monitor. The whole thing was just a comedy of errors.

I wanted to mention the above because I really annoyed the crap out of the
vector list on this fix, and want to let eveyone know who helped me "see the
light" that I appreciate all your help. My only consolation on this whole
deal is that I learned a great deal about vector monitors.

Fondest Regards,
-Commander Dave

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Received on Sat Dec 14 10:18:48 2002

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