Hi Martin,
It's been a while since I've done this, but you can hook your DC power
supply directly to the output of the voltage regulators that are on the
Asteroids board. The AC was used to provide both + and - 15V DC on the
board. If your DC supply sources these to the right spot (i.e. post
regulator) you'll be OK. You'll still need to hook up +5DC as normal. I
forget if it uses +12 as well, but if it does, you'll need to hook that up,
Some people may freak out by the notion of hooking up the +/- 15 VDC post
regulator, but I did this with my Asteroids board for hours and hours at a
time with zero problems at all. If you're worried about the regulators,
then remove them from the PCB while you do this. I found it to be
unnecessary, but your mileage may vary.
----- Original Message -----
From: Martin White <martin@guddler.co.uk>
To: <vectorlist@synthcom.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 2:21 PM
Subject: VECTOR: Maybe stupid Asteroids question!
> Hi guys,
> First post in a very long time!...
> Anyway, i have an Asteroids board and two Ast. Deluxe boards here that
> i've just got as non working. My cabinet (an Asteroids mini) is
> currently on it's hol's in a foreign country having it's woodwork
> lovingly restored, so i need to make up some kind of rig for getting
> these going.
> Picture is no problem as i can use my scope, but i am unsure of what i
> need to do about the 36v AC...
> Is this really needed? If so, how do people provide this? I'd rather not
> start getting hold of spare power bricks and AR boards just for this
> purpose as my test bench is full enough already!
> Is it 18v Center Tap with each side going to one pin on the edge
> My rig (http://www.guddler.co.uk/taitorig.php) has the usual +5, -5, +12
> DC, but it also has -12, 26, 20, 15, 14v (DC) and 10.6v AC (21.2v CT?)
> would any of these help rig it up?
> If no to all the above, i am told that i can get a toroidal PS from
> www.maplin.co.uk - anyone recommend a stock number and how it should be
> connected up?
> Thanks for any info,
> Martin.
> --
> Guddler's Arcade
> http://www.guddler.com
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