Re: yoke question for experts-only!

From: Mark E Davidson <>
Date: Wed Dec 25 2002 - 02:06:38 EST

That pretty much the attitude I took going into the "unknown" too.
Haven't looked back since :-)


peter jones wrote:

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mark E Davidson <>
>Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 11:20:08 -0800
>Subject: Re: VECTOR: yoke question for experts-only!
>>This isn't a tough question.. Im an idiot and I know the answer to this!
>>Go for it! I do this all the time.
>>I have a pet peeve about screen burn.. I hate it. Any game that goes in
>>the arcade ether gets its tube replaced or gets a new monitor. I started
>>my collecting career doing a lot of monitor replacing, until I ending
>>up with no money left, and a big pile of working monitors with Gauntlet
>>or Marble Madness burned in to the screen. One day, at an auction I
>>picked up a Wico monitor (an unknown, crap monitor that you cant / want
>>to find parts or schematics for) with the assumption that is was dead,
>>but I got it for the tube witch looked new. Long story short... the
>>chassis was a hacked up / burned up mess so I combined the tube / yoke
>>from the Wico with the chaise from a WG 4900 series. Presto... New
>>monitor. I have quite the combination of monitors now as I have done
>>this at least 4 times each time with a different chaise to different
>>series tube / yoke and only once did I run into a problem where the
>>picture was mirrored on the screen requiring me to reverse 2 on the yoke
>>A tip.
>> What swapping out the tube / yoke, do NOT move the degaussing coil
>>with it. Retain the coil for the monitor board you are going to use. The
>>coils are tuned to the board (learned the the hard way)
>>Happy holidays, group.
>i will try to fit a 15" dell-ultrascan tube in my taito tabletop after x-mas.
>the monitor just died and it had the most incredible picture i have ever seen!
>the thing i was unsure about was using a 30khz yoke at 15khz,
>still, fuck-it - as they say! it will work/or it wont
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