On Fri, 27 Dec 2002 21:17:17 -0600, you wrote:
>At my Real Job they used to use setscrews that took Bristol drivers.
> Kind of an early version of Torx in that it looked like an Allen but
>was a splined bit instead of a smooth hex like Allen. Plus while Allen
>is always 6-sided I'm not so sure Bristol and Torx are.
Torx are always six-pointed, yes.
>The clutch head bits are kind of a throwback, old GM car radios used to
>use those to mount the audio output stage power transistor. Haven't
>seen them much lately, though.
>Tri-wing bits and spanner bits find use in some newer equipment.
>Do yourselves a favor and buy a kit that has the entire assortment in
>it, you will eventually need it.
Ain't _that_ the truth... :) Seems like every few years, they keep
coming up with some goofy new driver-head style to keep "unauthorized
personnel" out of the box, and within six months you can buy the driver
bits to get into it at your local Ace Hardware. :)
"For the children" - the phrase politicians use to justify a course of action
so irrational it cannot be justified in any other way.
solarfox@DON'TMESSWITHtexas.net (Gary Akins jr.)
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Received on Fri Dec 27 20:59:33 2002
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