Ampliphone HV blowing +24v reg (fwd)

From: Christopher X. Candreva <>
Date: Sun Jan 05 2003 - 21:17:46 EST

I posted this last night, but I don't think I ever saw it show up on the

My Ampliphone HV just started blowing the +24v reg. This is rebuilt as per
the FAQ, so it's blowing open a 7824CV. Since it's obviously not going to
be working in time for the 6:00 PM party I'm having, I'm posting.

Thw FAQ says to check for:

        make sure rev MCI can is clear of the 5w 50 ohm resistor (it is)

        Inspect MCI case for cracks burns (don't see any)

        Try replaceing the MCI (I don't have a spare, but an replacement ws
          posted to the list)

        Check sener diode 1N754A (checked OK)

Is there a way to test the MCI can ? Anything easy to check before going
into full analysis mode ?


Chris Candreva -- -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester
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