Re: Delta Race - mystery vector game identified! (sorry last post had wrong subject)

From: peter jones <>
Date: Sat Jan 18 2003 - 13:51:16 EST

-----Original Message-----
From: "Marc Alexander" <>
To: <>
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 22:53:12 +1100
Subject: VECTOR: Delta Race - mystery vector game identified! (sorry last post had wrong subject)

> Finally the mystery of 'Delta Race' discovered! (for me anyway :-) )
> A few years ago I was in a country shed and there was a grey cockpit
> with what I now know to be all the correct Omega Race artwork and
> shape, etc.
> But, when trying to work out what this empty cockpit was later (it had
> been converted and stripped inside), I remembered it as "Delta Race".
> Nobody on the Vectorlist had heard of this game and the closest
> game given the look of the cabinet was Omega Race.
> The owner was positive is was a vector game.
> So I figured I had mistaken the name that was part of the cabinet
> artwork.
> But today when looking through some boards I got from the same shed,
> (thanks Paul Sommers!) I picked up what I thought was an L shaped
> Space Invaders board, but on closer inspection it had 2 Z80's,
> , a battery and 2 AD561 DAC's. Obviously a vector game!
> Some digging on the net and it is a perfect match for a Midway
> Omega Race board.
> But now the good bit:
> The first program ROM J7 was different to the others and was marked 'DELTA'.
> Hooray I wasn't insane :-)
> So I read in all the ROMS, repackaged them and ran it in MAME.
> It is called "DELTA RACE".
> Some inspection and play of the only rom that
> is different to the Omega Race set ( J7, a 2732 ) shows that it
> looks like only the naming was changed, and the copyright notice
> also. I didn't do a big test but I think the gameplay is the same.
> OMEGA changed to DELTA, OMEGAN changed to DELTAN and
> the copyright notice to C P LEISURE ALLIED.
> Leisure and Allied Industries were the largest arcade company in Australia
> in the eighties, importing many machines and making some of their own
> in repackaged cabinets, etc.
> Obviously they had this custom job done for the Australian market.
> If you'd like to have a play with DELTA RACE, here is the single ROM,
> and also the DELTA RACE set repackaged as Omega Race naming for MAME.
> I used MAME32 and it complained about the different ROM, but if you
> right click on the game and then select "Play Omega Race" it will force
> it to run the rom set anyway.
> Have fun!
> Cheers,
> Marc Alexander
do you mind if i add these roms to the mame driver and submit it to the team?

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