Re: Pictures of your Star Wars

From: Joel Rosenzweig <>
Date: Tue Feb 18 2003 - 22:29:15 EST

Hi Neil,

> * How clean are your +15/-15 volt rails?

I'll go measure the ripple.. Do you have a tolerance figure in mind?

> * Are all vectors squiggly and distorted, or just a few?

It's most noticeable on the text, and the cursor. Other vectors appear to
be crisp, straight, and otherwise sharp.

> * Are they consistently squiggly/distorted? Meaning, do they all exhibit a
> static squiggly/distorted problem or are they randomly jumping around?

Those that are distored are consistently squiggly/distored. The vectors are
quite stable, just malformed.

The fact that not all vectors appear to suffer from the same problem makes
this a more confusing problem to me. It would make sense if everything was
wrong. I just don't understand yet why only some of the features are wrong.
It doesn't seem to matter where the vectors are on screen relative to how
distorted they are. For instance, if I move the cursor all around the
screen, it maintains the same distorted shape, everywhere.

Some have suggested adding a ground wire between the power supply and the
game PCB. I checked with a meter and found that it registered less than 1
ohm between earth ground on the transformer assembly and the ground test
point on the vector generator board. I added a jumper wire between the two
just to test, but it appears to have made no difference in quality. I did
this years ago on my Tempest when it had a similar problem, and this is
exactly what did the trick. Those vectors looks quite sharp!


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Received on Tue Feb 18 19:29:28 2003

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