I agree with that last suggestion ! I had two vector games with slighly
shimmering/wiggly lines (a Tempest, and a 19'' SW ) and the vectors on the
screen appeared to be vibrating up/down about +/- 0.5 to 1 mm, at a
frequencey of say 3 or 4hz.
As it turns out both these particular games had the removable part of the
HV cage missing. SImply by putting the correct shield back around the
cage from another game cured all the shimmering. Simple as that.
There is someone out there (Dave langley knows the source, Dave ??) making
replacment cage sheilds for a very reasonable sum.
Also, I once had a black widow board that had very 'squiggly' lines, like
unreadble text, and the longer the vectors were from a source drawing point
then the worse it became. What that turned out to be was the tiny charging
capacitros in the vector unit of the board. Replacing them cured the
problem completely.
I have also found that the tiny sizing pots on the vector output stage can
be electrically noisy, and turning them slightly cures jiggles. Replacing
them is straighforward.
Hope this helps a little.
Message text written by INTERNET:vectorlist@synthcom.com
Wasn't there some discussion a while ago about the HV supply contributing
to squiggly lines? Something about with the metal shield off on Tempest you
got squiggles and with it back in place they vanished...
John :-#)#
At 07:46 PM 18/02/2003 -0500, Joel Rosenzweig wrote:
>I made a little bit of progress today. It occured to me to hook up my ZVG
>to the Amplifone, while running Star Wars to help me determine if the Star
>Wars boardset might actually be at fault. I thought everything looked
>on the scope, but I realized that the level of detail I was looking for
>might not really show up on a 4"x4" scope display, so I gave the ZVG a
>Interestingly enough, the image from the ZVG looks fantastic. All of the
>text is crisp, without a squiggly line to be seen. This would indicate
>the Star Wars boardset itself is generating noisy data. So, I need to go
>back to the scope to see if I look carefully enough, whether or not the
>noise is visible in the output. On the surface it would appear that the
>problem really is with the boardset, but I'd like to see confirmation on
>Given the nature of the problem as it looks now, it sounds more and more
>like bad capacitors on the vector generator board somewhere after the
>If someone has a good candidate, send it along. I'll get out the
>and give it my best shot, too. Any other ideas are welcome!
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