A 6502B/C should be ok in place of a 6502A, since they are all clocked externally the higher spec chip will still run at the same speed as the 6502A.
You may also find that a bog standard 6502 will run in place of a 6502A .. it's just being overclocked from 1Mhz to 2Mhz ;-) This is more likely to work on chips with later date codes as construction techniques improved.
> From: "Martin White" <martin@guddler.co.uk>
> Date: Tue 25/Feb/2003 11:13 GMT
> To: <vectorlist@synthcom.com>
> Subject: RE: VECTOR: Source for 6502A's ??
> Stupid question maybe, but can you substitue the 6502A with the faster 6502B/C?
> Or will it make the game run faster? - Said it might be a stupid question :O)
> Martin.
> > What's reasonable?
> > Bob Roberts lists 6502C's for $7.
> >
> > > Does anybody know where to buy 6502A's at a reasonable
> > price? I'm
> > > seeing listings for 6502's, but no 6502A's.
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