Michael (Mike?)
Great news on the fix! Well-done. Had to be that C11 somewhere.
As for new problem, well, I reckon that F2 is a red-herring. I have had
some BZs sound lik ethe RAM has gone, but in fact the VecGen has hung and
you are getting a slighltly different tone which has been set, but not
cleared as the code is hung. This can be caused by any number of things. I
would reseat all socketted chips, particularly and mainly the Roms,
especially N1 and the two vector roms A3 B/C3. Concentrate on self-test
diagnostic mode without AUX board attached, then start looking at vecgen
signals, eg, go halt etc. then check the interboard wiring clip (the wires
rot in the IDC clips) and molex pins on the pcbs, then cleanup edge
fingers/edge connectors on wiring, look at voltages on boards and noise.
If all else fails, you migh try swapping the ram-chips around, (put in
sockets) but this is a big effort with possible board damage consequences
- so last resort.
We could talk some more, but I would need to know what equipment you have,
or/and how much you know about the electronics/AVG process.
Does this fault come and go? Are you getting long tones, very long tones,
short high tones, etc? Does the criss-cross screen show?
Cheers - Tim.
02/03/03 04:50
To: ygroups@andora.org.uk
Subject: VECTOR: Battlezone Half Screen, FIXED, Thank You!
Hello Tim,
I fixed the BZ AVG with the half-screen problem, THANKS a bunch for
all the help. Turned out to be a tiny piece of flaked solder tying pins
4-6 of TL084 @ C11. What a pain in the @$$ to find! I hate problems like
that, good thing they don't happen that often.
I hate to bug you for more expert advice, but I just started getting
a problem on the original working AVG. Board powers up, gives ram error
code for bad ram at A1 and A2 (2114's). No picture. In test mode, AB12
from 6502A is HLP, then sicks high after final error codes beep. Replaced
LS245 @ F2. Pins 2, 7, and 19 still stuck high, pins 3,4,5,6,8,9, and 10
still stuck low. Any ideas?
Thanks Very Much Again,
Michael Kelley
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