RE: Star Wars Deflection Issue

From: Keith A. Catucci <>
Date: Fri Mar 21 2003 - 14:55:08 EST

I'd start with a cap job.......

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Jonathan Stanley
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 2:38 PM
Subject: VECTOR: Star Wars Deflection Issue

I have what I think is a Deflection board issue on my Star Wars
(amplifone). The picture jumps at the top and bottom of the screen,
causing the image to continually stretch and shrink in the vertical
direction. It only seems to affect the outer 1" of the display - if
you look at the center it is completely stable. The outer horizontal
(left and right) sides are completely stable as well.

It comes and goes, sometimes it will play for upwards of an hour with
a rock solid image. Then it might happen for 5 minutes solid and go
away again.

I thought it might be a dirty pot, however while it was jumping I
turned all the vertical adjustment pots back and forth with no

Anybody else experience this or have any ideas?

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Received on Fri Mar 21 11:55:57 2003

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