----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom McClintock" <tomm@mgcap.com>
To: <vectorlist@synthcom.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Rare find
> That *is* very nice. Would look good with my Eliminator cocktail control
> panels.
> Can you take some more pictures, or is that the only angle you have in
> photoshop? :)
Sure :-)
(yellow line on marquee actually glare...right side of a Zoo Keeper cabinet
in the background...that's another story...)
-- Mark Jenison --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** To UNSUBSCRIBE from vectorlist, send a message with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the ** message body to vectorlist-request@synthcom.com. Please direct other ** questions, comments, or problems to vectorlist-owner@synthcom.com.Received on Tue Apr 1 13:46:28 2003
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