I have an Asteroids PCB that exhibits an odd problem. The shots from the
ships are very bright. REALLY bright. So bright they leave trails that
take a second or so to fade from the monitor. It happens when the player
shoots and when the UFO's shoot. Also, when an asteroid blows up, sometimes
small vertical lines are seen along with the usual explosion.
The board had other minor video and sound issues. I replaced the cap at
C46. That brought the heartbeat sound back. It also cleaned up the video.
Vertical lines had been brighter than non-vertical lines, but they all look
good now.
I have done the usual "reseat the chips, clean edge connector, look for
broken parts". Now my inexperience rears it's ugly head.
Any tips from those wiser than myself? I can't seem to find anything
specific on the web or in googles' archive of rgvac.
Sean McLachlan
MIS Manager
LithoFlexo grafics inc.
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