Re: Star Trek help

From: Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. <>
Date: Wed Apr 02 2003 - 15:14:08 EST

Your issue could be either the game board set or the monitor. Do
you know which is the faulty part ?

I've seen one of the XY boards cause odd sizing issues across the

If you have another XY pair, drop them in, see if things change. If
they don't, then something is up with the monitor (yoke ? electronics ?).

-- Curt

>Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2003 14:59:15 -0500 (EST)
>Subject: VECTOR: Star Trek help
>We have a Sega Star Trek that has a fairly minor problem that is proving
>difficult to fix. The playfield is broken into three areas by lines. The
>problem is the main horizontal line is tipping to the right slightly and we
>have been unable to level it. Actually, I suspect that the whole video image
>is doing this as the bottom of the starbase image on the bottom display
>breaks up also. The problem in trying to adjust the video is that everything
>we try seems to just control horizontal/vertical width or centering. This
>is completely different from Battlezone or our other Atari games where there
>are controls that allow you to make all sorts of adjustments to the image.
>So, my questions is, what do I need to do to level the image on the screen?
>Nick Sauer
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