FS: Gravitar near Huntsville, AL

From: Commander Dave <cmdr-dave_at_spamcop.net>
Date: Wed Apr 02 2003 - 15:44:18 EST

I posted this to RGVAC/M, but forgot to post it on the vector list. This is my Gravitar that had the bad tube socket, but I got it replaced. I also have an IBM T22 1GHz laptop for sale. Check the RGVAC/M newsgroup or email for info about that one.

-Commander Dave

-------Begin RGVAC/M Posting-----

For Sale: Atari Gravitar
Asking $495 but will consider other offers.

Very good shape and runs great. Must sell because I am out of work and
can't keep my lights on at the moment. If it doesn't sell in a day or so, it
will be off to Ebay to get what I can get.

I would rather have someone pick up the game, but I can ship or hold a long
time for pickup. On shipping, I crate it and arrange for the shipping, but
payment would have to be up front.

Pictures will be posted this evening at this link:


Thanks for helping out,
-Commander Dave

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Received on Wed Apr 2 12:44:20 2003

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