Asteroids board - No X or Y signal, what else could it be??

From: <>
Date: Thu Apr 03 2003 - 11:44:25 EST


     I've got an Asteroids board (rev2) board that I have no signal from
either x or Y output. I am losing the signal through both 4016's (B12 & D12)
between pins 1&2 and 11&10. I have replaced ALL TLO81's, TLO82's, both
4016's, and both AD561J dacs with tested good ones. The Z output signal looks
normal, as does SHCON. All voltages are good - +16.47, -16.04, +5.45, +8.27,
-8.24. What could be causing me to lose signal between pins 1& 2 and 11& 12
of BOTH 4016's??
     Data on pins 4-13 of both AD561J's look fine, as do their outputs.I am
really stuck here - I have no idea what to check next. Please help if you

Michael Kelley

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