I think myself and Joe's emails probably crossed last night, so I haven't
received the files yet (although haven't checked for a few hours now).
My intentions are for him to send over a page in both jpg and pdf format, and
see what results can be achieved. THEN for him to send the rest over when I know
what is best.
I am suspecting their huge size is down to their color depth more than their
DPI. I will start by producing 2 color versions (B/W), and if that doesn't
reduce the filesize drastically I will go down the route of downsizing the DPI
while using filters to try and maintain all readability.
Obviously I am also an end user of these schematics, so if I can't produce
anything acceptable I will shout rather than turning up rubbish!
My intention is to produce a single 13 page PDF, but at the end of the day if I
can maintain better quality by going down the route of individual images of
whatever format, then so be it (although I personally don't like this format
The main reason for volunteering to look was that I am currently working on a
job for a client that is exactly this. Schematics that need to be reduced in
physical size for the intended archive hardware, without reducing quality to
below acceptible levels. Hence, it's at the top of my mind at the moment...
Anyway, getting tenuosly OT now :O)
Will update when I've had a play.
> I have to agree that b&w is best for text only pages.
> Anything that has images should be done w/ greyscale with a
> lower resolution. Schematics are best handled on a case by
> case basis. I've seen way too many scans that don't show the
> level of detail needed even when the source was decent. Of
> course, some of the original schematics out there are crap
> and theres nothing you can do about it :) I'm also a little
> anal about cleaning up the edges to make sure the manuals
> print nicely and don't look like bad copies. I'm also
> against having separate tiff files for everything. I'm a big
> believer in pdf files, although you do need to play with the
> settings in Acrobat to prevent it from degrading the
> resolution on the scans when you don't expect it. Just my humble 2¢..
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