On Fri, 11 Apr 2003 19:27:03 -0500, "Jilayne Stanclif" <jstancliff@mchsi.com>
>I bet you are :)
>It is regulated very well. Most of the regulation is in the Switching power
>Supply portion. That is the B+ is well regulated (and the color voltages) by
>sampling itself.
This is pretty typical, most HV regulators regulate the HV, by regulating the
voltage used to drive the flyback, based on the B+ voltage coming out of the
flyback's B+ winding.
>The HV voltage section runs in Discontinuous Mode so it has
>a tendency to regulate itself.
Well, I don't know about "regulate itself" but it should follow the B+ pretty
well (assuming the B+ is generated by a winding on the same flyback transformer
as the HV is), and once again this is just about all HV works, and seems a
decent design.
>I tested this extensively on a Star Wars and
>other games. The only Game that shows any Blooming is Star wars death Star
>explosion and its better then the original.
>If you really want to know the Skinny-
>It uses a Flyback switching power supply design for the B+ and color guns
>and of coarse the HV Flyback for the High voltage. The Switching Power
>supply samples itself to regulate and a winding of the flyback is sampled to
>watch for Over voltage.
I'm a little confused by this second email.
Is the B+ being generated by a winding of the Flyback, which is shared by the HV
winding like in a normal (think WG6101) design? This would mean one inductor
(the Flyback) is responsible for generating both the B+ and HV voltages.
Are there two flyback switchers. One that generates the 180v needed for the B+,
and then another flyback design that generates the 19.5k based on the 180 volt
primary? If so, how is the 19.5kv regulated?
And, when you say "watch for overvoltage", does this imply a secondary HV
protection circuit (like the standard SCR crowbar circuit used in most HV
designs) to clamp an out of control HV?
Just curious as I have an HV module in my Tempest right now that while the HV is
present, and the screen is nice and bright, it obviously is not regulating well
(the screen size changes noticeably based on the number of vectors drawn.) The
discrete regulator used in the WG6101 has a real strong tendency to become a
wire, with no regulation, and I think this is what happened. A reliable
replacement for this would be real cool.
On the other hand when a WG6101 HV module is working correctly, the vectors are
rock solid (better than the Amplifone HV), with very little movement based on
changing colors or number of vectors drawn.
If you can make a reliable HV, that regulates like a properly working WG6101 HV,
I'd even replace the Wintrons in my Amplifones with it.
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