When 2114s fail

From: Neil Bradley <nb_at_synthcom.com>
Date: Sat Apr 12 2003 - 13:40:33 EDT

Sorry for the double posts to both lists, but I thought it might be
relevant to both types of games (and in my case I'm troubleshooting a
raster and a vector game).

When 2114s fail, what types of failures commonly occur? Do they stick
address lines? Data bus lines? Just flat out won't store information? My
immediate problem is with a Defender and I can't quite tell if it's an
address decoder problem or a RAM chip problem, and am trying to find a
rational way to troubleshoot it.

If you have any experience with the 2114s and can post the types of
failures you've seen, that'd be great. Thanks!


Neil Bradley In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is not
Synthcom Systems, Inc. king - he's a prisoner.
ICQ #29402898

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