RE: Tech: Battlezone

From: Joe <>
Date: Wed Apr 30 2003 - 01:54:10 EDT


First thing is the glow in the neck. Is the heater getting 6.3v? Check
and resolder the headers on the deflection board. Even if they look
good, they may need resoldering. After this. Check your 6.3v. If you are
not getting 6.3v be sure that you are getting the heater voltage into
the monitor. If you are getting 6.3v to the heater, it may be time to
consider a new tube (not likely.)

Also, are you getting HV?


-----Original Message-----
From: Marlin Bates, IV []
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 11:40 PM
Subject: VECTOR: Tech: Battlezone

Hello folks,

I need some help. I think I know the answer, but figured I would ask
to make sure.

I have a Battlezone that I have replaced the AR II Board, the Game
boards, and the main P/s with a known working unit(s). Now, I have a
game which seems to coin up, and 'play' but no image on the monitor.
There seems to be neck chatter BUT there is no neck glow. Spot killer
lamp seems to go off until I coin-up and then it comes on.

Thanks for the help.



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