Re: Selling stuff on Vector List....

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Sun May 11 2003 - 17:16:02 EDT

> After receiving a few emails, I can't help but feel that all of this
> talk about selling things on this list is related to my previous posts.
> Guy's, look, I'm sorry. I had no idea.

Idea about what? Your for sale post contained vector content, and
therefore allowed on the list. The only modification you need to make in
future posts is putting FS: in front of the subject, but it's completely
on topic, and if anyone says otherwise, they're out of line. They don't
run the list - I do.


Neil Bradley In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is not
Synthcom Systems, Inc. king - he's a prisoner.
ICQ #29402898

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