Re: BZ self test question

From: Matt Rossiter <>
Date: Mon May 12 2003 - 21:09:16 EDT

I usually do a signature analysis. When I get an unsteady signature somewhere - I look more closely into that circuit.

The other thing you can try is toggling the data lines using your 9010 and look at the signals on the scope. Check especially the data buffers F2, P2, and F4.
Look closely for cut traces nearby.

Does the board reset at all - or is it just the output bad?


  ----- Original Message -----
  Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 5:26 PM
  Subject: VECTOR: BZ self test question

  I have a Battlezone AVG that plays blind. Vector outputs show as very distorted and almost random squiggles on scope. Fluke 9010 says that RAM is OK and ROM sigs are correct. Flexing board, pressing on ROMs, etc makes no difference.
  Put game in selftest - gives 8 long low beeps and stops, then repeats. Crystal changed, all connections resoldered on jumper to math board, math board known good.
  Any ideas?

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