Re: Battlezone Linear Power Supply

From: Andy Welburn <>
Date: Tue May 27 2003 - 17:02:17 EDT

> As I am in the UK, and my Cabaret is definately Irish, then I guess I
> should state this for completeness. Don't know about about my Upright, as
> its locked up a few miles away (guess its irish too thou)
> Anyway, my *guess* is that Atari used a generic "brick" for any early
> vector game as the Monitor/Electronics and Audio would all need broadly
> similar requirements, power-wise. Come to think of it, why would they
> need to/bother to make game-specific ones if they could help it?
> Cheerz - Tim

they did... this is already common knowledge, following the original thread
we are actually trying to work out the variants. They did vary the 'brick'
between different ypes/eras of games, like raster, monovector, colour
vector... so you have the right idea, but we're trying to work out plug

Andy Welburn

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