Look Andy, I was only trying to help !
I just happen to have in front of me 3 BZ PSU bricks and Peter wanted to
know if the one he wanted to sell was in fact BZ compatible.
As for plugs - the fact that they mate is convenient, if they don't, if
you got schematics at least you can work around it.
If you had the harness parts list for PSU (Atari part no: A035890-01
International or A036355-01 US) it would tell you what the plugs are.
Anyway, of course I am not here for the conversation, its the free beer
and all the sexy girls....
"Andy Welburn" <andy@andys-arcade.com>
Sent by: owner-vectorlist@synthcom.com
28/05/03 20:13
Please respond to vectorlist
To: <vectorlist@synthcom.com>
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Battlezone Linear Power Supply
> Yeah, I should have been more explicit, what I meant was that all mono
> vectors would have been "type A" (eg BZ, RB, LL, Asteroids, etc), Col
> Vector "type B" and raster "Type C" but within each category they surely
> would have been generic
they are... except for the plugs.
> As for plug differences, well we have schematics don't we?
schematics don't tell you about plug differences.. do you own any vector
games or just here for the conversation? :-)
> Tim
Andy Welburn
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