I can almost guarantee that there will be no third run from me. When
first introduced to the vector list, they were offered @ $85 and then
the rest of the world @ $125. That was back when I had a job, and
disposal of a full machine shop, so the parts were made internally.
Since all of those option are gone, but I had 4 requests for more after
run 2 was exhausted, I got quotes from local machine shops to make
parts. The machining costs averaged over $500 before commercial parts
were purchased. I think you can see the issue.
As for finding any "extra" full units. that not going to happen
ether.... Im not even sure I saved one for myself :-(
Reproduction parts are a tough nut to crack! I reproduced the Moving
Dalek head for the Dr Who pinball
But again, the sale price is well under machining costs alone so this is
to be discontinued as well
My latest repro project is also pin related as we will be making a kit
to move Earthshaker Institute in the Earthshaker pin.
Again parts machining are $627 for this unit if I don't do it myself.
But people forget that items like the moving head on Dr Who and The
building on Earthshaker were eliminated by William's because they COST
TOO MUCH to make.
Walt wrote:
> Any plans to do another run of the full units?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Mark E Davidson <mailto:mark@basementarcade.com>
> To: vectorlist@synthcom.com <mailto:vectorlist@synthcom.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 10:16 AM
> Subject: Re: VECTOR: Major Havoc Whirlygig Owners
> Not to rehash old news, but all this was available late 1999.
> http://www.basementarcade.com/arcade/4sale/ still has all the
> pictures up.
> BUT, I sold the last full reproduction unit last fall (Serial #
> 85.. yea we made that many of them) and took the page down. I
> still have extra green rollers as well the steel rollers.
> -=Mark=-
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