Even if you could play a game of BZ for that long - who would? My average
game is 200K (best around 400K) and it takes me 20 minutes+ to play. I
love the game but it's such a slow game that I don't play it that much. I
don't think it's a problem.
>>From what I can tell in MAME (I don't own a BZ board), the bzone roms
> display up to 10 tanks after each score, but in MAME only 7.5 - 8 are
> visible before it is clipped. I could not get it to cause a noticible
> problem in MAME, but I only just let it run through attract mode.
> It would only be one byte of opcode to change the max number of tanks
> displayed.
> The bzone2 roms appear to only display ONE tank max next to the score.
> And with the bzone2 roms the hs table is slanted. (bzone roms are
> straight).
> Interesting, the game has HS space reserved for 3 bytes per score
> (max score 999,999,000), however, the code to display the scores,
> increment the scores etc... only uses 2 bytes (max 9,999,000).
> Can people score more than 9,999,000 points, as in, is extended
> scoring needed?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Doug Jefferys" <dougj@hwcn.org>
> To: <vectorlist@vectorlist.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 3:21 PM
> Subject: VECTOR: Bug: Battlezone high score rendering
>> On Tue, 22 Jul 2003, Scott Brasington wrote:
>> >
>> > Thanks for the quick reply. I thought that was just a bug in MAME
>> or something.
>> >
>> > If anybody knows of any BZ bugs or has ideas on *simple* feature
>> requests, please let me know. If they are simple enough to
>> implement I might be able to include them.
>> One BZ bug that should be easy to fix comes to mind:
>> After the initials/score, the high score table displays one tank per
>> 100,000 points scored. For high scoring games (500000+), the tanks
>> can stretch "off" the screen.
>> As long as only three players have tanks "off" the screen, that's only
>> a minor bug. (Noticeable flicker, maybe a little stress on a driver
>> transistor, but only for a few seconds at a time).
>> When all 10 players have 500K+ high scores (I've installed Mark
>> Jenison's BZ score-save mod a few years ago and tweaked it to store
>> the top 9 scores forever, which is how I triggered it), drawing *all*
>> those tanks overflows a buffer in the state machine, leading to a
>> corrupt display about 2/3 of the way through the high score table.
>> Note: I've forgotten which rev of the ROMs I'm using and haven't
>> looked at the original BZ score code. It's possible that this is the
>> bug that was fixed between the two revisions of BZ?
>> Later,
>> Doug.
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