> From: mccullar [mailto:mccullar@flash.net]
> If you don't have either a monitor or an X/Y oscilloscope,
> this project may be for naught because you need to see what
> the X and Y video outputs are. [...]
Thanks for the reply... I will likely go the connector route; that
way I will have one that I can use again in the future. I am just
interested in seeing if the board makes normal sounds, so power and
sound should be enough.
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-=- James R. Twine, MCP, (jtwine@jrtwine.com)
Version: 3.12
GCS d- s+:+ a30 C++++$ UL+++>++++ P+ t+++ 5+ X+++ tv+
b++ DI++ G++ h e(++) r++ W++ N+++ w++(+++) M-- PS+
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