Re: FS/FA: Lunar Lander - North Alabama

From: K. S. <>
Date: Sat Aug 23 2003 - 14:55:21 EDT

Sorry to hear you're in such dire straits.

  I'll loan you $100 if it'll help in the short term.

  Pay me back whenever. No interest or anything.

  Kerry Stillinger

Commander Dave wrote:

>Due to an extreme financial crisis, I am going to have to sell my Lunar
>Lander. This unit is almost totally mint (9.5+ to me) and runs great. Screen
>is solid and bright. There is a very slight amount of burn in, but hardly
>noticeable. It's the nicest one I have ever ran across.
>I'll be putting it up on one of the auction sites very soon (tonight or
>tomorrow) and will have pictures there, but thought I would mention it here
>in case anyone was interested. I would like to get $1295 out of it, but I
>will entertain all offers without criticism as I have to sell.
>I would need payment immediately (see below for why) and while you could
>pick up immediately, I can also hold the game for you for months if need be.
>Shipping is also an option, but these things are pretty big and would cost a
>bit to crate and ship.
>I hate to sell this game, but I have been out of work for a long time now. I
>have found a good paying job again, but unfortunately I won't get paid for
>two-three weeks and by that time I will have lost my house (among other bad
>things happening).
>If anyone is interested and can help me move this game in a hurry, please
>let me know via email (fastest way to reach me) at
>People that don't know me can check my references on Ebay with the id
>cmdr_dave and on Google newsgroup search.
>Thank you,
>David E. Turner
>-Commander Dave
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Received on Sat Aug 23 14:55:29 2003

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