From: Jill Stancliff <>
Date: Sat Aug 23 2003 - 16:31:35 EDT

I Got ahold of a BZ.

Since I have no experience with these (BZ boards that is) I thought I'd ask
before I started to deep on this.

First here is what I did...

Repaired Go5 monitor and tested in asteriods. Working fine now.
Test all voltages from power supply. All good
Replaced all 40 pin chips on Aux PCB (new from BG micro) and tested Pokey.
Pokey good.

Power up

Boardset gives continous low Beeps... BOOOOOP BOOOOOP BOOOOP in self test.
No picture.

Reburn and replace all roms.

Same low sound BOOOOP BOOOOP BOOOOP in self test.

Game plays blind in game mode.

looked at outputs on XY
I think Y looks right, but X looked wrong. Changed op amp and other stuff on
x side with same result....

Any ideas?

I ordered 8 24 pin and 1 40pin machine sockets. I am going to replace all
the sockets on this PCB as they all seem kinda crappy, but I think there is
more to the problem then this.



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