RE: Lunar Lander CP's and CPO's and other artwork

From: Archer <>
Date: Fri Aug 29 2003 - 05:05:07 EDT

This is interesting because last year I bought an LL thrust mechanism from
eBay which apparently came from this same exhibit ! unless it was a spare.

However, here's something interesting for any LUNAR LANDER collectors out
there :-

I recently reproduced ENTIRE METAL CONTROL PANELS FOR LL matching precisely
all the radiused corners in the cut-outs and carriage bolt holes etc and
complete with the hinge and so on. The CP's have been shot blasted and
powder coated in satin black.

I'm also reproducing precise full wrap LL CPO, invisibly coated in scuff
proof polycarbonate gives a nice textured feel and adhesive backed.

I can supply the full CP's with the art applied, or just a LL CPO.

The only problem for USA folks wanting the metal CP is that I am in the UK !
But am quite happy to send items anywhere at buyers cost.

Pics available. If anyone's interested, please get in touch off list.


Archer Maclean, UK.

ps. I also reproduce other low run artwork, control panels, and CPO's to a
standard at least as good as best available elsewhere.
coming soon - Major Havoc Side Art and CPO's, Pacmania, carnival, star wars
cockpit arch decals (possibly entire side art too, but will be costly),
Missile Command Cockpit rocket decals and bezel art (available now) and many

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Commander Dave
Sent: 29 August 2003 03:00
Subject: VECTOR: Lunar Lander Exhibit from USSRC in Alabama up for
auction on September 3, 2003!


The U.S. Space in Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama retired their Lunar
Lander game exhibit due to a monitor that malfunctioning (looked to me it
needed some caps or something). By law, they have to submit it to the state
of Alabama for the auction process to get rid of it.

When I say Lunar Lander exhibit, it is a regular Lunar Lander game, but
removed from the cabinet and placed in a custom cabinet (exhibit). It is
VERY large and resembles a moon lander. Missing from the game is all of the
control panel buttons and lights except for the thrust control. Even if you
dumped the custom cabinet, you would still have some good parts and monitor.

Here is the tough part... it is on location at the USSRC in Huntsville, AL,
but the auction is in Montgomery, AL (along with a lot of other things). You
would have to go to Montgomery and bid and if you won, pick it up in

Here is the web site to get all the nasty details: WWW.ADECA.ALABAMA.GOV.
You will then need to click on SERVICES then SURPLUS PROPERTY, and then
PUBLIC SALES. On that page of information is a link to download an Excel
spreadsheet of the whole lot listing. The Lunar Lander is at the bottom of
the list. *** THE AUCTION IS ON SEPTEMBER 3, 2003 ***

I just wanted to pass this on as I was going to go and try to get it really
cheap, but since I started the new job I will not be able to go at all. So I
thought I would pass it on so that someone in the collecting community would
have a good shot at it.

I have only posted this to Vectorlist so far... if no one writes and says
that they are going, then I will probably post this to RGVAC/M in a couple
of days.

I hope this info helps someone get a good game (or parts). BTW, I have a few
pictures of the exhibit if someone wants to see it. If more than one person
asks I will place them on the web.

Cheers all!
-Commander Dave

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