Re: G08_105 spec flyer, G17 spec flyer posted

From: <>
Date: Sat Sep 06 2003 - 17:26:08 EDT

Very interesting stuff! (And it answers the Amplifone / G08 question. The G08 is
faster, considering it's higher voltages and lower yoke inductance, this is to
be expected. Though, if I recall, it's not that much faster. My gut feeling is
that as you get faster and faster it takes more and more power for less and less
gain. Kind of like approaching the speed of light. But a lot slower... ;-)

Until we designed the ZVG I didn't even know about spec #9, (it took two
firmware re-writes to get it right).

I'd be *real* interested in a scan of the G17 as well...(it could have been used
in medical applications, but I'd be interested none the less.)


On Sat, 6 Sep 2003 14:31:59 -0500, "joemagiera" <>

>Not sure if anyone is interested in this, but I came across the
>specifications flyer for the G08_105 monitor. It also has 2 pages for "G08
>Minimum Performance Specifications", but it is unclear if those two pages
>are specifically for the G08_105 or for all G08 monitors. There is a last
>page that provides measurements for the G08_001, G08_003, and G08_105
>I also came across a specifications flyer for a "G17 Medium Speed Color X-Y
>Monitor" (the G08_105 was described on the cover as a "High Speed Color
>X-Y"). I've never heard of the G17. Anyone else? If so, what game might
>it have been used in as a stock item?
>I have scanned these documents and posted them at:
>To try to save space, I scanned them at the lowest resolution (75x75),
>although they are unzipped. It's mostly text, so it should be fine. But if
>anyone has trouble reading it and wants it at a higher resolution, let me
>As usual, I can't keep them out there forever, so if people think this is
>useful, I'm hoping someone (hint: Tom M.) can grab them, zip it up, and
>post to a more commonly referred to site for tech/manual/monitor info. Mark
>Jenison's site would be good too, but I believe he's taking it down
>(hopefully only temporarily).
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