RE: Space Duel Vector Wiggles ....

From: Sean McLachlan <>
Date: Fri Sep 12 2003 - 16:37:35 EDT

I'm no Space Duel expert, but I had an Asteroids that was doing the same
thing. X vectors looked had high/low intensity issues, looking kind of like
dotted lines. The Y vectors had a repeating jagged line. Andy Wellburn
suggested I replace the Y DAC, in my case it was an AD651J. That fixed it.
I know the 2 boards are different, but your picture is so similar to what
mine looked like I thought I'd chime in.

Sean McLachlan
MIS Manager
LithoFlexo grafics inc.

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Dave Langley
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 1:50 PM
To: Vector List
Subject: VECTOR: Space Duel Vector Wiggles ....

Hi again,

More Space Duel problems ....

The picture is Wiggling when drawing vertical lines ... see the picture
below, it's about 66k:

The game is fitted with an Amplifone monitor, with a newly Wintroned HV
board and a fully rebuilt Deflection board (like yesterday!) which has all
new silicon parts and caps. The game does not have many hours on it since
being put back together though ...

Any pointers? I've not had time to pull the game and scope the output to
see if it's the board or monitor .... but I will do over the weekend!

Dave Langley

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