Yeah that works.
At first I couldn't find a cheap solder pot large enough (no Ebay then),
so I bought one of those small Antex tinning pots, milled out a hole in
the bottom of die cast aluminuim rectangular box and then bolted that to
the top of the pot. I then bought a spare element and wired that inside
to change it from 2 to 3 elements to up the power. Was big enough to pop
out a 68K and took an hour to re-solidify :-)
Worked a treat, but with no means to seal the join over time solder
leaked out from the bottom of the box.
Now, bought a big pot off Ebay to replace it.
Mark E Davidson wrote:
> Ill let you all in on a little secret on removing these from the PCB.
> Get a solder pot (got on one off of ebay with 5 solder bars for under
> $30) Fill it to the BRIM with solder and heat it up.
> With the solder molten and to the top, you can heat all the pins at
> once (poor mans wave soldering machine) and the chip pulls off in
> seconds. I did 40 cart in under 15 min the past weekend
> -=Mark=-
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