Re: Re: Need a POKEY Desolder advice

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Mon Sep 29 2003 - 01:37:15 EDT

I've got one of those heat guns, I do NOT recommended them for mass
desoldering because they take too long to heat the board enough to melt the
solder. The torch method (or regular PACE style desoldering equipment) is
much better as the heat is only momentary on the legs and the device has
little time to heat up. If you read the manufacturers recommended maximum
soldering temp (case) it is usually around 150C at the most, and the heat
gun has to heat the solder and board to about 200 - 220C to melt the
solder, this takes a while and the heat happily moves up the legs of the
device(s) and heats them up too.

That was why I experimented with the torch method of desoldering. If done
carefully the IC is barely above room temperature by the time you have
whacked it twice. This only takes a couple of seconds...nasty in
description, but effective in practice.

John :-#)#

At 12:51 PM 29/09/2003 +1000, Marc Alexander wrote:

>I've gotta put my vote in for the heat gun too!
>It works really fast, without the flame risk of the propane torch...
>though with some care and practice obviously that does work great too.
>Just my opinion...
>I use a heat gun kind of like this one, hope this link works, (the Wagner
>one, $29.95)
>and for IC's that I want to save clean, I stand the board up on it's side
>and hold
>it up with something like blocks or my feet,
>and use pliers/ic remover tweezers on the ic with my left hand, and on the
>side use the heat gun (I'm right handed)
>A good waving action over the whole area to get the board up to temp, and then
>a little local heat on each ic and they pull out very nicely
>I don't like the idea of giving the IC's a sharp shock while they're hot
>or have
>a large temperature differential between the legs and body, but
>that's just me, it may be ok I just don't know either way...
>----- Original Message -----
>Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 2:51 AM
>Subject: Re: Re: VECTOR: Need a POKEY Desolder advice
>A hot air gun works too (paint stripping type) .. as long as you're
>scrapping the board ... £10 from your local DIY shop!
>Disclaimer .. Use in a well ventilated area ... You can burn yourself with
>one of these etc etc .. Don't use it as a hairdryer when
>drunk ..
>Message date : Sep 25 2003, 05:43 PM
> >From : Paul Swan
>To :
>Copy to :
>Subject : Re: VECTOR: Need a POKEY Desolder advice
>Yeah that works.
>At first I couldn't find a cheap solder pot large enough (no Ebay then),
>so I bought one of those small Antex tinning pots, milled out a hole in
>the bottom of die cast aluminuim rectangular box and then bolted that to
>the top of the pot. I then bought a spare element and wired that inside
>to change it from 2 to 3 elements to up the power. Was big enough to pop
>out a 68K and took an hour to re-solidify :-)
>Worked a treat, but with no means to seal the join over time solder
>leaked out from the bottom of the box.
>Now, bought a big pot off Ebay to replace it.
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