Re: Tempest help please!

From: Vec Vid <>
Date: Thu Oct 09 2003 - 11:06:25 EDT

>That may not be the end of your problem, though.

Yes, without a scope it will be very difficult to troubleshoot this board.
Short the #WDDIS pin to GND with a jumper wire, then power up. Someone
please correct me if I'm wrong, but if the coin counters quit clicking away
and the machine appears "idle", you might assume the watchdog circuit was
causing continuous resets.

What you describe with your Tempest is similar to what my Gravitar does.
I've found and repaired a blown +15V voltage regulator and two bad RAM chips
so far, but the reset circuit continues to fire away because the program
circuitry that resets the watchdog timer is whacked.

I've owned Atari vectors for almost ten years now, but am just now learning
how to troubleshoot the motherboards (guess I've been lucky).

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