A while back, I mentioned that I was having a problem with my Lunar Lander.
It was distorting the video in a roughly 3 inch wide vertical column, in the
middle of the left half of the screen. I think someone mentioned that I
should look at the CD4016's.. it looked like a good choice, since replacing
the DAC's had no impact on the problem. Since I didn't have any CD4016's
available at the time, I simply swapped the two chips to see if the problem
moved from one part of the screen to another. Unfortunately, the problem
disappeared when I did this.
Since then, I purchased a hand full of CD4016's, but didn't have a use for
them. I turned the Lunar Lander on this past weekend, and sure enough, the
problem area had shifted to the bottom of the screen, generating a 3 inch
wide row of video that spanned the width of the screen. This was great. I
popped in two fresh CD4016's, and the video was now perfect.
Unfortunately, I turned on Star Wars tonight to play a few games with my
son. And well, just minutes into a game, I lost the heater glow. I haven't
done anything to troubleshoot this yet. It will have to wait till later in
the weekend. But man, what a dissapointment. I'm using the Wintron HV. I
don't know yet if it's the tube, or the HV supply that caused the failure.
Either failure is annoying.. I'm not sure which I prefer!
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