Star Wars & Amplifone

From: Marlin Bates <>
Date: Tue Oct 14 2003 - 01:21:08 EDT

Hello all,

Okay, Now I have a new project. I just got a Star Wars Upright. I
plugged it in and the small fuse on the HV Board immediately blew. It
was a 20mm 4A fuse. Now, this is an Arcadeshop HV board. I did NOT
install it myself nor do I have any of the manuals or docs that came
with it.

I can hear neck chatter, I get LED on the game board, I can coin up,
but no other response.



-Marlin Bates, IV
-Director of Forensics
-Diablo Valley College

"Action does not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness
without it." - Benjamin Disraeli

"That’s what you have to strive for every minute of your life: to get
rid of the life that you have planned in order to have the life that’s
waiting to be yours." -Joseph Campbell

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