I am using the Atmel at90s2313 8 bit microcontroller.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marc Alexander" <marcwolf123@yahoo.com>
To: <vectorlist@vectorlist.org>
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Crystal circuits
> Just to follow up, I did a search for a document that can explain the
> better than me, here it is:
> The Pierce type is more common (at least until many recent extra low power
> and is more immune to noise, drives a higher frequency and does consume
> a bit more power than Colpitts.
> The Colpitts type is usually used where very low oscillator power
> is needed (standby small battery powered devices) and is less noise
> immune and more sensitive to oscillator component values, and can't
> drive as high a frequency as Pierce.
> Your MCU data book should have some details on example crystal hookup and
> parts selection.
> Some MCU's actually have software selection between Pierce and Colpitts
> but I don't think yours does (what MCU is is again?)
> Cheers,
> Marc
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Shoemaker
> To: vectorlist@vectorlist.org
> Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 3:43 PM
> Subject: VECTOR: Crystal circuits
> While building up the two beta 9100 keyboard wedge boards I realized I
didn't have any 22pf caps. So I tossed a pair of 100pf caps
> onto my breadboard of the circuit and everything worked great.
> Then I went to build the perfboard version and realized I only had two of
the 100pf caps and as I wanted to leave the breadboard
> version intact for now so I grabbed a pair of .1uf caps.
> Hooked everything up and it didn't work.
> So I checked everything twice more and still no go. Got to wondering if
maybe the value of those caps is really important and
> realized I have NO idea how to spec them nor even what they do.
> So can anyone enlighten me?
> I have seen circuits use 18pf, 22pf and 27pf for the crystal caps. The
100pfs do work, but I wonder now if I just got lucky.
> David
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