This isn't actually for a game. It's for a Kurz Kasch TF-650 that I'm
trying to get fixed up. Slot A (100 pin connector) has a broken pin and
Slot C (50 pin) is a little beat up but not too bad. I mentioned Space Duel
so nobody would acuse me of posting something non-vector related (although
the TF-650 *is* for fixing my vectors). The card edge connector, as far as
spacing is concerned, would be the same as a wiring harness for games like
Asteroids, Space Duel, etc.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 2:34 PM
Subject: RE: VECTOR: Card Edge Connectors
> I have never seen a game that needed a 100 pin edge connector.. I'm not
> stating that they aren't out there, I haven't ever seen one.
> There are different styles of edge connectors too. Common are .156 edge
> connector.. There are also .100 connectors and many other. Send me an
> email with specifically what you need.
> JB
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Rossiter []
> Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 12:37 PM
> To:
> Subject: VECTOR: Card Edge Connectors
> Where can I get the right kind of card edge connectors for early video
> games? Let's say, for example, I needed one for a Space Duel wiring
> harness. I looked through Mouser and I see so many different kinds of
> specs. I'm looking specifically for 50 pin and 100 pin.
> Thanks. :)
> Matt
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